What is Google Adwords Keyword Planner and How its Work?

Then it Google AdWords Keyword Planner tool

If you are a new blogger you may not know about Google Keyword Planner tool, I give you today to tell you in this article about the Google Keyword Planner tool Full Information Share, Best ours blog posts from the search engine keywords , the best keywords by the top search engines like Google searches in your post so you can, will get very good traffic,

Blogger does not mean that being published is to write articles of 500-600 words, today the most popular keyword tools in this article along with him learn to 100% of your blog posts with keywords So how is it's the best tool so service

which made him be so high-level keywords are also a Google AdWords keyword Planner tool you information I am giving you in Hindi too can Increase your blog traffic from search engines.

What is Google AdWords Keyword Planner tool

Google AdWords Keyword Tool is useful Google Most of which we have created a blog post / article related to post that they can research keywords that we can Increase traffic to your blog post as well as search Engines High CPC keyword and its Earning have him, this tool is used to target the keyword,

It is free for all tools you do not have any pie , puck Mostly it / have it on the computer if you want to research the keywords you Android mobile in "Puffin Browser" Suggest  you, since the Puffin Browser mobile Phone can also keyword search when we do anything so high-level search in Google search results for the keywords, shown us that there is a post on Google's Top searches of the reason I post the Best keyword optimization is her sleep,

Guidelines about Google Keyword Planner

»ퟙ Google Keyword Tool to her not to be a separate account, Gmail account, you can do it is the keyword tools.

»Alternate many tools of Google AdWords tool you'll get your best not to get it on

»Google Planner tool that you can target keywords and you CPC (Cost per click), PPC and search engine traffic can easily Inkrised

»If you want to Improve your Alexa rank in Google keyword tools will prove very beneficial to him,

»Google AdWords, you have a lot of tools and services which will help you to write blog content in high quality.

So how to make it in the Google AdWords Keyword Planner tool

Now you Google's tools "Edward Keyword Planner" to him Sikhaunga of optimizations that you can sleep in your blog posts and blog posts that you can take to the top of Google Searches, then it would be the very first in Faayda Google keyword tool, you must create an account to him the details of her steps just below the B Trike Google keyword tools Simple Steps Duga Jesus you have him

Google Keyword Planner to search by keywords?

1. Google Keyword Planner Planner Google AdWords account would make to him, below him "Keyword Planner Tool" Click on the button

Google Keyword Planner Tool

If you fill in your name and email Vgera later, when asked to skip the option to click on it after everything Complete

2. now have a page that will open the "Not sign Edwards in the" Click on the button

Via Google AdWords login

3. You now have a Google account login page Step-three Ajayega she is to you when you log in from any Gmail account, which will log into your Google AdWords account

Google account login

Your Google AdWords account has become now on, High Quality Keyword Search..

4. now, will come to you Google AdWords tools and features, options, now that he will have the option to click on the Tools drop-down-menu will open in which a keyword Planner option you will have to click on it

5. Keyword Planner before you click the "Fund new keywords and search volume data Gate" will open the page, so here you have three keyword searching tools on the first tool "Search For A New Keywords Overlays, website and category "is to click

Best Keywords for Earning

6. now will come to you as a form where you can search on the keywords your targeting options will be plenty here that you'll be confused as to how to fill up the form below to tell you the keyword search will …

Fund High CPC keywords

Your Product & Service - Here is your keyword to write, I mean if your post "AdSense" on here about "AdSense", allowing you to write blog posts for new high-quality keywords, you can fund .

Your landing page - here you can fund its keywords to target a website like you will write Grinhglobe Grinhglobe you can target the Kewards, this meal would be nice to give the Coda

Your product category - it would be better if you give Coda empty, but tech-related keywords you should take, you would write this I mean you the Best Keyword Research Choose the category of your blog can

TARGETING - Targeting gives you four options, allowing you to a particular location, and language targeting negative keywords and search engines, you have the perfect keywords funds

Customize Your Search - This option is not of any use to you, give it a few Changes may not like Code.

Data range - even if empty give Coda a time / period Dundana keywords you want to target your job, it may feature

After filling all the "Get Ideas" button will give you keyword search

Surrey is in front of you which keywords are now show their CPC (Cost per click), and the average time of their search results will show you the high-quality keywords Chose which you can add your blog post in the blog post optimization will sleep and you will start getting more search engine traffic as well as your alexa rank will Improve


Milan Tomic

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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